Freak out everyone with thess simple Halloween Spider Chocolate Chip Cookies…. no, you don’t need special tools…. just warm from the oven Chocolate Chip Cookies, and a toothpick!
Bake the chocolate chips according to the recipe. You can use this recipe from the Angry Baker for some absolutely fabulous cookies…..Chocolate Chip Cookies and Variations
Or use your own recipe…..
Or get the cookie dough from the grocery store.
Or better yet… use that cookie dough you have in the back of the freezer that you bought because your kid had to sell it for the little league, band camp, school trip or other random (and for some reason, kind of expensive) fund raiser.
This is meant to be quick and easy, so don’t overthink it!
Quick Look at Contents
How to Make Halloween Spider Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Prepare your chocolate chip cookie dough (or open the package that the chocolate chip cookie dough comes in.)
- Have a big spoon full of the dough… you earned it.
- Put the cookie dough blobs on a baking sheet. Make sure a few chocolate chips are bottom side up on the surface…. you can add a few if needed.
- Bake the cookies
- Take the cookies out of the oven…. Now WHILE THEY ARE STILL WARM… take a toothpick and draw a line from the chip outward. (Just push it into the chip a bit, and pull it sideways)
- Repeat so each spider has more or less 8 legs.
(This is for all you supermoms who need to make an easy trick more complicated… you know who you are)
Add teeny google eyes to the spider.
Either tiny candy ones…. or use decorator frosting in a tiny tube.
Cool, Serve and Eat!
Click HERE for MORE Halloween Recipes?
Halloween Cookie Jars for your Halloween Spider Chocolate Chip Cookies
Grasslands Road Halloween Owl Cookie JarWestland Giftware Flutterbye Feline Ceramic Cookie Jar, Multicolor
Westland, Pumpkin Nightmare Cookie Jar