For little kids, you might even want to practice.
Halloween Night is a time of excitement and anticipation of treats. Remember how fun it was to wear the costume and mask? Remember the quest for candy? I don’t know about your neighborhood, but for some reason our road gets super busy on Halloween night. A lot of people come to our streets because we’re considered a safe and “good candy” neighborhood. This means LOTS of extra traffic with people driving their kids over… and believe it or not… some parents actually follow their kids IN A CAR (seriously people, get out and walk).
Set your rules, and make sure they know them.
Quick Look at Contents
Trick or Treat Safety for Kids!
1. NO RUNNING INTO THE ROAD! Not ever, not for any reason. Stop Look Listen Live!
2. For little guys… hold hands when you cross the street. (And maybe an adult hand too)
3. Stay together. It’s no fun to go alone.
4. Shoes Tied? Costumes Fastened? Nothing loose to trip over?
5. Can you SEE where you are going? (Does the mask / costume block vision?)
6. Do not go in to ANYONE’S house …. especially someone you don’t know. Not for any reason. EVER.
7. Travel in a group…. with an adult! Groups are more fun anyway.
8. Be careful of Pumpkins with Candles! Don’t brush against them with your costume… you don’t want to get singed!
9. No eating candy along the way! (parents… check the candy for tampering when you get home ) (and then confiscate any Rolos and send them to me…)
10. And don’t throw candy or candy wrappers on the ground while you are walking!
11. Be POLITE– no pushing, no shoving, wait your turn for your candy, and do not say “I don’t like those” (maybe you can swap them out for something else later)
12. If you come to a bowl that says “take one and leave the rest for other kids”… just take ONE! (Chances are, these days you are on camera, and will be a you tube sensation if you take them all).
Great Books to Reinforce Halloween Safety Rules
Some are in book form, others can be downloaded right now to your Kindle for bedtime reading!
Halloween Safety Tips: 20 Safety Tips for Kids and Parents on HalloweenScaredy Squirrel Prepares for Halloween: A Safety Guide for Scaredies
How to Give the Kids a Safe Halloween: Simple Guide on Halloween Safety
Don’t Go Bump in the Night!: A Halloween Safety Book
Alphabet All-Stars: Be Safe This Halloween
Halloween Safety Lights
Attach Halloween Safety Lights to your kids’ costumes… this will insure they will be seen, even in dim light.
Find them here–> Halloween Safety Lights