Five Little Pumpkins (Harper Growing Tree)
Little Kids get so excited about Halloween! (ok, big kids do too….) Help build the anticipation and excitement with these simple Halloween Poems and Rhymes for kids!
You remember some, don’t you? Funny Halloween Rhymes, Preschool Halloween Poems about witches, poems about ghosts and poems about Jack O Lanterns. They are so much fun to learn and recite…. and it’s a great way to build Halloween anticipation!
My kids were always big fans of Halloween Finger Rhymes… doing the motions of the poem with their hands while reciting the words. The Itsy Bitsy Spider was always a favorite (they loved to “wash the spider out!”), but there are also rhymes like “Five Little Pumpkins” that encourage finger counting. And the kids love it when the pumpkin rolllllllsssss away!
Even Trick or Treating gets a Rhyme!
Quick Look at Contents
- Trick or Treat Rhyme
- Halloween Poems and Rhymes for Kids
- Kids Halloween Poems Short Enough for Pre Schoolers
- Halloween Poems for Pre-School and Beginning Readers on Amazon
- Halloween Poems and Rhymes For Slightly Older Kids….
- Hear Jack Prelutsky’s Poem Here
- Halloween Poems for the Bravest Big Brothers and Sisters!
- Halloween Poems and Rhymes for Kids are FUN!!
Trick or Treat Rhyme
Trick or Treat
Smell My Feet
Give Me Something Good to Eat
If I Don’t
I Won’t Care
I’ll Just Steal Your Underwear!
(I remember cracking up about stealing someone’s underwear….)
Halloween Poems and Rhymes for Kids
Some are sweet and light… others are chilling and dark (the poems get scarier as you go down the list).There’s something for every age and reading level (and scare level!) …and some of you older kids might want to go back and enjoy these too. I’ve even added a few videos…just to make it more fun.
Make Halloween about more than candy… get the kids reading Poems and reciting silly rhymes!
Kids Halloween Poems Short Enough for Pre Schoolers
Five Little Pumpkins
(A Finger Rhyme… Kids Can Count Down on their Fingers While Reciting)
(hold up 5 fingers)
The first one says, “Oh my it’s getting late!”
(hold up 1 finger)
The second one says, “There are witches in the air!”
(hold up 2 fingers)
The third one says, “But we don’t care!”
(hold up 3 fingers)
The fourth one says, “let’s run! let’s run!”
(hold up 4 fingers)
The fifth one says, “Isn’t Halloween Fun!”
(hold up 5 fingers)
Then Wwhhhooooo went the wind!
and out went the light
And Five Little Pumpkins rolled out of sight.
(make rolling motion with hands)
See the FIve Little Pumpkins Video!
Pumpkin, Pumpkin Round and Fat
(words and actions!)
Pumpkin Pumpkin round and fat
(hold arms out in a circle in front of you)
Turned into a Jack O’Lantern
(turn in a circle while holding arms in a circle)
(clap hands hard)
Halloween Poems for Pre-School and Beginning Readers on Amazon
(Some are on Kindle, so they Can be Downloaded Immediately!)
Jack and Jill: A Halloween Nursery RhymeSomething’s In The Nursery Rhymes: Halloween Poems For All The Urchins & Imps
It’s Halloween
Skeleton Bones and Goblin Groans: Poems for Halloween
Itsy Bitsy Spider CD package
The Itsy Bitsy Pumpkin
Spooky Pookie
Five Little Pumpkins (Harper Growing Tree)
Halloween Poems and Rhymes For Slightly Older Kids….
Jack-o-Lantern, Jack-o-Lantern,
You are such a funny sight.
As you sit there by the window,
Looking out into the night.
You were once a sturdy pumpkin,
growing on a curly vine.
Now you are our Jack-o-lantern,
See your night lights shine.
It’s Halloween
It’s Halloween, It’s Halloween
the moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
and Witches riding brooms….
Tonight we are the King and Queen
For tonight it’s Halloween
Hear Jack Prelutsky’s Poem Here
Five Little Goblins
Five little goblins on a Halloween Night
made a very very spooky sight
The first one danced on his tippy-tip-toes
The next one tumbled and bumped his nose
The next one jumped high up in the air
The next one sang a Halloween song
Five Goblins played the whole night long
Flutter, Flutter Little Bat
(Sing to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”)
Flutter, flutter little bat,
How I wonder where you’re at.
Swooping through the darkest night –
You find your way without a light.
Flutter, flutter little bat,
How I wonder where you’re at!
Fun Halloween Poems for for Grades 2-5
Halloween PoemsHappy Halloween!: 31 Poems in Celebration of Autumn
My Tricks & Treats: Halloween Stories, Songs, Poems, Recipes, Crafts, and Fun for Kids
Monster Goose
Halloween Poems for the Bravest Big Brothers and Sisters!
Witches Stew
Gareth Lancaster
Bubble blubber, squirm and gloop,
Boiling broth of bat’s tail soup.
Wobble, slobber, liquid goo,
Add the sole of one old shoe.
Spooky shadows dance around,
Of frogs and rats and snarling hounds.
Steam swirls rising to the roof,
Add one small ear and one old tooth.
Gnarly, scratchy, tickle and itch,
Stir round and round to make it rich.
Mushy, sticky, sizzle and stew,
They’re making mischief just for you!
Halloween Poem Books for Big Kids
Haunted Harvest: A collection of eerie poems to celebrate HalloweenNightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep
Nasty Halloween Poems for Creepy Little Kids
Halloween Poems and Rhymes for Kids are FUN!!